Beach Sloth Review


“Beautiful and full of passion, Shauna Burns delves into a lovely world with the angelic “Scarborough Fair”. Quite airy, Shauna Burns creates a mixture of folk and chamber classical with a tasteful arrangement. Everything works in unison with her strong steady vocals resting at the very center of it all. By choosing such an approach the track maintains a great level of integrity. Piano helps to keep the rhythm intact as it works both as percussion to a degree as well as part of the overall melody. Rich textures dominate the entirety of the piece for each note positively glistens. Lyrically Shauna Burns imbues her delivery with a balance of wistfulness, nostalgia, and a little bit of poetry.”

Thank you to Beach Sloth for the beautiful review of “Scarborough Fair”! So sweet! Read the entire review HERE. 🙂 As always grab “Scarborough Fair” right here in the Music Section. 🙂

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